| 1. | We ' re still discussing that issue . there is a possibility of cremation 我们还在讨论是否进行火葬 |
| 2. | Ashes to be ready for collection within 4 days from the date of cremation 骨灰在火化后4天内可供领取 |
| 3. | Upgrading of cremation facilities 改善火葬设施 |
| 4. | Planning for upgrading of cremation facilities at other crematoria is also under way 食环署亦正计划提升其他火葬场的火化设施。 |
| 5. | Booking of cremation sessions is normally processed on a first - come - first - served basis 食环署火葬预订办事处一般以先到先得形式办理预订火葬时段申请。 |
| 6. | During this period , the duration between the submission of application and the actual date of cremation may be longer 在这期间,递交申请与火化之间相距的时间会较长。 |
| 7. | The time that it takes for cremation service to be provided to an applicant depends on both the availability of cremation sessions at the time of application and the preference of the applicant 轮候火化服务所需时间的长短,需视乎提交申请时可供选择时段的多寡和申请人的要求。举例而言,农历新年前后一直是火化的高峰期。 |
| 8. | For public convenience , booking of cremation sessions at six public crematoria at cape collinson , diamond hill , fu shan , wo hop shek , kwai chung and cheung chau can be made in person at wu chung house in wan chai and cheung sha wan government offices in kowloon 本署辖下六个公众火葬场,分别是歌连臣角火葬场、钻石山火葬场、富山火葬场、和合石火葬场、葵涌火葬场和长洲火葬场。 |
| 9. | Given the large number of applications and that the time taken for cremation service to be provided depends on both the availability of cremation sessions and preference of applicants for the date available , information on the average waiting time for cremation service is not readily available 由于申请数目众多,加上轮候火化服务所需的时间需视乎可供选择的火化时段的多寡及申请人对火化时段的要求,该署未能即时计算轮候火化服务平均所需的时间。 |
| 10. | For public convenience , the booking of cremation sessions at six public crematoria cape collinson , diamond hill , fu shan , wo hop shek , kwai chung and cheung chau can be made in person at wu chung house , wan chai and cheung sha wan government offices in kowloon 本署辖下设有六个公众火葬场,即歌连臣角火葬场钻石山火葬场富山火葬场和合石火葬场葵涌火葬场和长洲火葬场。为方便市民预订上述火葬场的火化时段,本署在湾仔胡忠大厦和九长沙湾政府合署设有办事处,市民可亲自前往办理预订手续。 |